Phi Bright is an advanced version of Micro Needling treatment. It has proven its effectiveness in rejuvenating & correcting skin imperfections, as it adapts to the individual needs of different skin types & conditions.
A mix of specially designed & patented Phi Bright serums, containing a high concentrate of active ingredients, is applied to the surface of the skin, which allows the device to glide & it is then absorbed by the skin.


MICRONEEDLING treatment is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenating the skin – reawaken the beauty within – shine like the star that you are.

Most people who take care of themselves know that as we age, our skin begins to lose its firmness, wrinkles begin to appear, our skin tone becomes less even and various spots begin to appear. Our skin is the largest bodily organ, and our face mirrors our health and the degree to which we take care of ourselves. In addition to strictly following a daily beauty routine, our skin requires additional nourishment and care provided through specialized cosmetics procedures and treatments that solve a variety of skin issues, where home care simply falls short. Why is this the case?

Due to its protective function, 99.7% of large nutrient molecules are unable to penetrate the skin’s protective barrier. This means that the benefits of creams and serums are not immediately visible as it takes time for cells to regenerate themselves, leading to noticeable improvements. What’s more, creams and serums are only effective on the epidermis, or the outer layer of skin, which means that their effects are short-term. This innovative and revolutionary, non-invasive method, known as MICRONEEDLING, allows for access to the dermis or deeper layer of the skin and restores the skin's radiance, smoothness, providing an even complexion and rested appearance. The skin’s appearance greatly depends on this layer of skin. The reason for this is that the dermis houses the skin’s most important building elements.

The deeper layer of the skin is accessed through microneedles. This increases the natural permeability of the skin, thus rehabilitating the skin and achieving maximum utilization of the active substances located in the epidermis and dermis.

The deeper layer of the skin is accessed through microneedles. This increases the natural permeability of the skin, thus rehabilitating the skin and achieving maximum utilization of the active substances located in the epidermis and dermis.

Microneedling or collagen induction therapy is a minimally invasive, bio stimulation method performed using a Needle Pen, a pen-like device with microneedles. The length of the needles used is chosen depending on the type of skin issue and the area of skin that requires treatment (face, neck, décolleté, etc.). During treatment, microneedles penetrate the deeper layer of the skin (dermis) creating micro points which although they do not damage the skin, they nonetheless cause our skin to react to the punctures of the microneedles. The treatment is very hygienic because the needles are not cleaned after treatment, rather, they are discarded.

This treatment stimulates the natural regenerative skin rejuvenation process, with benefits that are long lasting. Microneedling has quickly become the most desirable treatment in the world of cosmetics and is one of the most effective skin revitalization methods available. Microneedling treatment can successfully treat the following regions and issues:

• Face, neck, décolleté, leg, hands & back regions • Wrinkles • Scarring • Acne scars • Stretch marks • Enlarged pores • Uneven skin tone • Hyperpigmentation spots • Scalp – the crown area and regeneration of hair follicles

This method is classified among the best anti-age treatments available today. It is highly effective and falls under one of the most effective methods of full skin rejuvenation, which is why it is an indispensable step in all serious facial and body skin care procedures.

Am I A Suitable Candidate?

Microneedling treatment is completely safe and adaptable to all skin types, from normal to dry, and oily to combination. It is also suitable for all skin tones and both genders. There are very few exceptions when it comes to Microneedling treatment. It is not recommended that you undergo Microneedling if you suffer from any of the following:.

• Inflamed acne • Lupus • Erysipelas (St. Anthony’s Fire) • Skin cancer (basal cell, squamous cell, melanoma) • Keloid scars • Psoriasis • If you are taking Roaccutane (you may undergo Microneedling treatment 6 months after completing therapy) • Treatment is not recommended during pregnancy or while nursing (not because it would be damaging, but because there are no available quality clinical trials) • Consult your dermatologist or physician if you are on anticoagulants, taking ibuprofen or any other medication.

This treatment may be performed in combination with Botox and hyaluronic acid treatments, but with a one-month interval between treatments.

Microneedling treatment is not only effective in cases when there are serious skin issues. It is exceptionally effective when skin loses its elasticity, when its level of hydration begins to diminish or when you simply want that ‘health glow’ look restored – whenever you need to maintain that look of cared for and healthy skin.

This image shows the microneedles penetrating into the second layer of the skin (dermis) – structure and sections of the skin

How many treatments will I need?

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the condition of the skin, the client’s age and the type of results the client wishes to achieve. It is important to emphasize that the effects are better if treatments are repeated in a series, with 2-to-3 week breaks in between.

Important Information:

If you opt for Microneedling, it is exceptionally important that you follow your artist’s instructions and all post-treatment steps.

Skin must not be exposed to direct sunlight for five days following the treatment. Do not exercise and avoid any activity that will cause you to perspire. Avoid swimming pools, saunas and tanning beds. Do not use any aggressive products on the skin as part of your home care routine. Daily application of an SPF factor is recommended. However, it is a must in the days immediately following the treatment to ensure that your skin is fully protected from the sun’s UV rays.

Do not apply makeup until all redness has disappeared, i.e., for at least 24-hours post-treatment (all brushes and sponges must be cleaned adequately once you start applying makeup again after this period). Make sure your pillowcases are cleaned and ironed before bed. Stay away from dust and dirt as much as possible while engaging in any daily activities.

In photo: Microneedling before and after – PhiAcademy

In photo: Microneedling PhiBright – before and after


-Full Face Treatment €120 (Course of 3 €300) Price Includes Aftercare Serums

-Full Face & Neck Treatment €150 (Course of 3 €375) Price Includes Aftercare Serums

-Scar Treatment €100 (Course of 3 €250)

-Stretch Mark Treatment €100 (Course of 3 €250)

-Hair/Scalp Treatment €100 (Course of 3 €250)
